Thursday, 25 May 2017

5 Must-Know Facts About Joint Replacement Surgery

Joint Replacement Surgery is about removing a damaged joint and putting a new one in its place. It can be your hip, knee, or shoulder that might have suffered severe damage, and now limiting your daily activities. Joint replacement surgery is done by an orthopedic who either fixes the joining bones to relive pain and help you lead a normal life again. You may have come across many people who have undergone these replacement surgeries, or have experienced one yourself but, you might not be aware about these following facts about joint replacements. Read on!

1. After the surgery, you can start walking a day after, or even sooner perhaps the same day. The more you move or workout, the better will be the outcome.
2. Your knuckles can also be replaced. You heard that right! The doctors have all the techniques to help you get the best out of life and improve its quality. Just so you know, knuckle replacement was pioneered in the year 1950.
3. Artificial joints can be recalled for the patients who need additional surgery some years after undergoing the first one.
4. Morbidly obese people are more likely to experience the complications post a Joint Replacement Surgery than the thinner people. In some of the cases, patients undergo a bariatric surgery prior to their joint replacement surgery.
5. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, about 10 percent of 400,000 patients need an additional surgery to remove the first implant.

Joint pains shouldn’t be taken lightly because they get worse with age. Apart from affecting the quality of life, these pains can even make the patients helpless and drag them to financial ruin too. That’s because they inhibit an inability in patients to move and earn a living. But thanks to the doctors for being so far-sighted that made them come up with innovative ideas to improve the medical facilities. You can now find reliable and well-equipped Joint Replacement Surgery Hospitals in India and across the world.

Primus Super Speciality Hospital
2, chandragupt Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi- 110021, India
01166206640, 9953722892

Monday, 15 May 2017

The Department which is a Silver Lining for All Mothers

Gynaecology is a department concerned with the well-being and health of the female reproductive organs and the ability to reproduce. The department deals with endocrinology, female urology and pelvic malignancy. The specialty spans pediatric and adolescent gynecological problems through to later years. An obstetrician is a doctor who has effectively finished specific instruction and preparing in the services related to pregnancy the time-period specifically after labor. The obstetrics gynecology provides medical and surgical care to women and has particular expertise in pregnancy. A doctor who has an effectively finished specific instruction and preparing in the wellbeing of the female conceptive framework, including the determination and treatment of disarranges and infections. Commonly, the instruction and preparing for both fields happens simultaneously. Gynecologist have practical experience in treating ladies who have existed for a considerable length of time, and these antiquated masters are the progenitors of today's gynecological specialists and analysts.

Gynecologists are regularly at the bleeding edge of verbal confrontations over ladies' wellbeing and medicinal services. While a general doctor might have the capacity to pinpoint and treat minor ladies' wellbeing issues, the master assessments of gynecologists are completely fundamental with regards to specific parts of ladies' wellbeing. There are many Gynecology Hospital in Delhi and primus hospital has the Best Gynaec department as per me. Gynecologist may choose to specialize in the following areas like Acute and chronic medical conditions, adolescent gynecology, Behavioral problems, Cancer, Endocrinology, Health maintenance during pregnancy, Infertility, Operative gynecology, Pregnancy and delivery, Preventative health and Urinary tract disorders.

Pediatric Gynecology includes treating patients from infancy to age 22 and is specially trained to provide sensitive, age-appropriate examinations and treatment. They are experienced in addressing a wide variety of health-related concerns including acne, body image, development, eating disorders, menstrual cycles, sexuality, contraception and painful periods. They understand the variations of normal prepubertal anatomy and physiology and knows how to communicate with a child and with her parents.

We have some of the Best Gynecologist in India at Primus hospital. Children are generally cared for health related issues by their pediatrician or family physician. The most common reasons why children are seen by pediatric gynecologists include vulvar and vagina irritation that will not improve despite hygiene and medications, congenital anomalies of the genitalia, labial adhesions, pelvic masses and early signs of puberty or vaginal bleeding. Young girls should have should have their first gyn visit between the ages of 13 and 15 years.  This first visit may be just a talk between the parents and your doctor. The pediatric gynecologist is  generally a experienced with medications for problems related to menstrual periods, polycystic ovarian syndrome, contraception  birth control treatment of sexually transmitted infections, endometriosis and the new vaccine which can prevent cervical cancer.

The Adolescent Gynecology department at primus department provides state-of-the-art medical and surgical gynecological care for young female patients. Diagnosis, evaluation and consultations are available on an outpatient or inpatient basis.

Primus Super Speciality Hospital
2, chandragupt Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi- 110021, India
01166206640, 9953722892